《畅游欧洲 Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown》第一季是一部引人入胜的纪录片,由知名旅行家Samantha Brown担纲主持。这部纪录片以其独特的视角和丰富的内容,带领观众踏上一场精彩的欧洲之旅。
Samantha Brown以其热情和冒险精神,成为了探索世界最激动人心之地的完美向导。在第一季中,她深入欧洲的心脏地带,近距离接触并体验了多个令人向往的异国风情。
《畅游欧洲 Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown》第一季以其高质量的制作、丰富的信息和独特的视角,赢得了观众和评论家的高度评价。无论是热爱旅行的观众,还是对欧洲文化感兴趣的朋友,都能在这部纪录片中找到属于自己的那份感动和收获。
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E01_Rome, Italy
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E02_Edinburgh, Scotland
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E03_Classic London
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E04_London Now
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E05_English Countryside
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E06_Munich, Germany
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E07_Bavaria, Germany
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E08_Prague, Czech Republic
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E09_Berlin, Germany
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E10_Lisbon, Portugal
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E11_Seville, Spain
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E12_Madrid, Spain
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E13_Barcelona, Spain
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E14_Paris Culture
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E15_Innsbruck
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E15_Simply Paris
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E16_Interlaken, Switzerland
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E17_Cote d'Azur
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E17_Zurich, Switzerland
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E18_St. Mortiz
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E19_Vienna
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E20_Salzburg
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E22_Cannes & Nice, France
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E24_Naples, Italy
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E25_Amalfi Coast, Italy
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E26_Brussels, Belgium
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E27_Amsterdam, Holland
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E28_Dublin, Ireland
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown_S01E29_Ireland Coast
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